Saturday, May 13, 2006


On Sunday, my 11 year old niece will perform her first solo French horn concerto with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, on one of their local "orKIDStra" concerts. I just thought that was interesting.


And she sounds amazing. And I don't throw that word around lightly - especially with horn players. I mean, the potential for sounding like a sick cow is astronomical. And she's beating those odds with her crazy little ambusher.

Can't wait to see this concert...


dena said...

Give her a big hug from me when it's over, ok? I wish I could be there to see it!

Val said...

Oh man, Maran. I wish I had known about this--Ron and I would have loved to see it.

How did it go?

Maran said...

It went amazingly well. She was just so comfortable. It just seemed so normal for her to be up there, doing that. Our entire family was present, which was fun. Her great-grandparents were there and all...

I did hear about one of the older gentlemen in the orchestra, a brass player who has known Brooke since birth but who had never heard her play before. He was apparently sitting in the audience during the dress rehearsal (he wasn't playing on that piece) and I guess he just sat there crying. I love that.