Tuesday, October 10, 2006


His strength is perfect, you know?

I spent the weekend at a series of seminars on the Names of God. Joe Askins, Chuck Pierce...good teaching, good stuff. Although the amount of activity was way more than I had been able to handle during this recovery time, I managed ok, and even was able to focus despite pain meds. (I guess I'm pretty well adjusted to them, by now.)

I love the way it feels to be a student. I mean, these sessions combine to form an actual class for the Wagner Leadership Institute (WLI) which is a brain-child of C. Peter Wagner's ministry based in Colorado. Nationwide, people can apply to enter degree programs and earn a diploma in several different specified ministry areas. My Mom, for example, is pursuing a Masters and P.H.D in Practical Ministry. She earns credits through reading certain books and writing papers, taking classes and writing about the information, and any ministry opportunities she's involved in. WLI-Rochester is booming, and I'm considering applying myself. Seems like kind of a cool way to keep myself plugged into the wealth of insight and revelation coming from the prophets and teachers of the church today. Anyway, onward.

Needless to say, I got a lot of prayer this weekend, for healing. I noticed almost and immediate change in my mobility and flexibility. My energy level has increased, during the times I'm awake and up doing something. And my spiritual/emotional health is certainly better than where it was a week ago - the despair and depression are gone. Praise God. God had marked this weekend for me, even before the car accident, as a turning point of some kind - and it was. I'm still gleaning, so to speak, from the notes I took and the things I heard, but at the base of it all is some renewed hope. Vision. I believe God, when He says I'm His child, and He is my Good Father. Daily, He's renewing my strength, filling me up with fresh faith to believe His promises to me. For however long I am in this quiet, resting place, it's ok. I caught a glimpse of His face that reminded me who I am, and where we're going. I'm not alone, here. And what was intended for my harm, God has turned into blessing - He's making changes in me that will completely alter how I approach my daily life.

So it's just a matter of time. When I've gotten what I was supposed to get in this place, we'll move on. This is God's time.

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