Thursday, April 03, 2008

Days I forget

Lately I can't get out of bed. I've gotten pretty good at showering, dressing, and being out the door in about 20 minutes...but I tend to forget something when I push it like that. One day I did my makeup and forgot to put on mascara. I realized it on the way to school, about the same time I realized I hadn't used deodorant. Good thing it was mid-winter, and I spent the day shivering in my classroom. Still, I felt a little self-conscious...

Today I did it again. I hit snooze until after 7am, and rushed around to get to school on time. I made my coffee and poured it into my travel mug, only to leave it sitting on the counter. Sadness!! And while I was driving, I realized I am not wearing earrings today. Honestly, I could care less about the earrings - it's the COFFEE I can't do without!

I do feel like I'm growing in this area, though - I let both of them go. I resisted the urge to be late and prepared - I decided being closer to on time was more important than me having these things I feel naked without. Priorities, I guess.

Don't worry, I did get coffee. A co-worker usually makes a pot, and shares when asked. (Thanks, Colleen!) And I'd probably have fashioned some earrings by now, but I'm all out of paper clips.

1 comment:

HereBeDragons said...

The cafeteria where I get my breakfast now does only TODAY got a coffee machine and this morning it was empty. So I've gone THREE mornings without coffee! Oh, sadness. I understand.