Wednesday, November 14, 2007

the coffee drunk

I think the staff of the Charles Finney School needs to detox. We drink a LOT of coffee. I used to make a pot and drink it every day at work. I now make my coffee at home, and drink only what fits in my travel mug - except for the days when I ALSO fill up at work, or on the way to work, or on the way home, or later that night, or if I happen to bring a THERMOS. I just sort of enjoy my thermos, for it's style. Stainless steel, and pretty slick.

I have discovered that even my small habit has affected my performance. I can hardly form a coherent thought while teaching my first period social studies class until I've had a significant portion of what's in my mug. Usually, I'm fine.

But then there are days like today that I'm a little more accident prone than usual. I have been running into things all day. I have knocked things over, dropped things, splashed and spilled...and the thing is that I'd NORMALLY say something like, "Gee, guess I need some coffee." But I've already had it. Is the caffeine having the opposite affect after so long? Am I just in a chronic state of needing more? Has my habit started controlling ME???

I have a problem.

1 comment:

Anjan K. Ganguly said...

Sounds like *you* might have a problem. Good thing *I'm* not addicted. I can stop whenever I want. Really, I can.