Monday, November 19, 2007

The DMV is your friend.

When I left for the DMV on my lunch break today, I expected to spend the better part of my free period sitting on one of those long pews in the waiting area, watching the little sign flash customer numbers in no particular order. I know how it goes - and I knew that my attempting to achieve registration renewal AND an address change in the time I had available would be a stretch. Lunch hour + government office = lines out the door, and the need for some reading material. I packed a book in my purse.

I got in line (which was, by the way, just barely inside the door) and prayed that I had brought everything I needed. Seems like every time, I forget something that holds everything up. A second form of ID, my kindergarten transcripts... I watched the woman behind the information desk (where the sign says EVERYONE must stop before going any further) and noticed that they had the right woman for the job - she was able, even when turning away frustrated citizens (who forgot to bring some necessary form or the blood of a goat) to maintain a cheery smile that seemed to say, "I look forward to helping you when you're ready to do this my way."

I stepped up and said what I'd been practicing saying in my head while watching her turn away the 3 people in front of me. Not many make it past her to the pews. "I need to change my address and renew my registration with the new address." I prayed. Do you remember the scene from Neverending Story where the boy is trying to get past the two creepy statues that singe you with their laser beam eyes if you don't have a pure heart?

She gave me two forms, and a number. B605.

My number got called, and I was in and out in no more than 10 minutes. I had to pay the $31 fee to renew, but the little sticker for the back of my license was free. I was back at my desk in less than an hour.

So, I just had to say it. The DMV isn't so bad after all. I've been putting this off, thinking I'd be stuck there without food or water for longer than I've ever fasted before - but no. I still got my lunch break.

Wheat Thins and hummus.

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