Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Granular Vocabulary

One of my 7th graders tipped me off to a website that will feed hungry people for free, if you know your words. Go to freerice.com and check it out - they'll donate 10 grains of rice for each correct answer you can give, and you can view totals as you go. The project is linked to the UN, and various other relief organizations.

I guess 10 grains is a start?

It's actually kind of fun to know that I can simultaneously increase my vocabulary AND stop world hunger. Check, and check.


Anjan K. Ganguly said...

You scooped me! I heard about this last week and meant to blog about it. Thanks for the reminder, though.

I donated 1000 grains of rice, and maxed out at a vocab level of 45. Et tu, fellow Enlgish teacher?

Maran said...

1310...37...then things started to go south.....

Christina said...

pleasantly surprised that my long lost friend is posting again!

Maran said...

...I just hit level 41! Thrilling.